Foreword to the fourth edition / Charles J. Lockwood -- Introduction : why this book was born again, again -- pt. 1. First things first -- 1. Before you conceive -- Preconception prep for moms -- Putting it all together -- It takes two, baby -- Pinpointing ovulation -- Conception misconceptions -- Preconception prep for dads -- 2. Are you pregnant? -- What you may be wondering about -- Early pregnancy signs -- Diagnosing pregnancy -- A faint line -- Testing for the irregular -- No longer positive -- If you're not pregnant -- A negative result -- Testing smart -- Making the first appointment -- Your due date -- All about : choosing and working with your practitioner -- Obstetrician? Family practitioner? Midwife? -- Birthing choices -- Types of practice -- Finding a candidate -- Division of labor -- Making your selection -- Pregnant and uncovered -- Making the most of the patient-practitioner partnership -- So you won't forget -- 3. Your pregnancy profile -- Your gynecological history -- This book's for you -- Birth control during pregnancy -- Fibroids -- Endometriosis -- Colposcopy -- HPV (Human papillomavirus) -- Other STDs and pregnancy -- Herpes -- Signs and symptoms of genital herpes -- Your obstetrical history -- In virto fertilization (IVF) -- The second time around -- Your obstetrical history repeating itself -- Back-to-back pregnancies -- Having a big family -- Previous abortions -- Do tell -- Preterm birth -- Incompetent cervix -- Your pregnancy profile and preterm birth -- Rh incompatibility -- Your medical history -- Rubella antibody levels -- Immunizations in pregnancy -- Obesity -- Pregnancy after gastric bypass -- Underweight -- An eating disorder -- Have a baby after 35 -- Is 35 the magic number? -- The father's age -- Uninsured, Mama? -- Genetic counseling -- Pregnancy and the single mother -- All about : prenatal diagnosis -- First trimester -- First-trimester ultrasound -- First-trimester combined screening -- Chorionic villus sampling -- It's a ... surprise! -- First and second trimester -- Integrated screening -- Second trimester -- Quad screening -- Amniocentesis -- A false screen -- How to freak out a pregnant woman -- Second-trimester ultrasound -- If a problem is found.
4. Your pregnancy lifestyle -- What you may be wondering about -- Sports and exercise -- Caffeine -- Caffeine counter -- Drinking -- Smoking -- (Don't) put that in your pipe -- An early baby present -- Breaking the smoking habit -- Secondhand smoke -- Marijuana use -- Cocaine and other drug use -- Cell phones -- Microwaves -- Hot tubs and saunas -- The family cat -- Is hot stuff not so hot? -- Household hazards -- The green solution -- Air pollution -- Domestic violence -- All about : complementary and alternative medicine -- 5. Nine months of eating well -- Have it your way -- Try these instead -- Nine basic principles for nine months of healthy eating -- The six-meal solution -- No more guilt -- The pregnancy daily dozen -- Count 'em once, count 'em twice -- Vegetarian proteins -- Can't find your favorite? -- White whole wheat -- A little fat goes a long way -- The good fat facts -- What's in a pill? -- What you may be wondering about -- Milk-free mom -- Pasteurized, please -- A red-meat-free diet -- A vegetarian diet -- Low-car diets -- Cholesterol concerns -- Junk food junkie -- Shortcuts to healthy eating -- Eating out -- Reading labels -- You can't tell a fruit by its cover -- Sushi safety -- Hot stuff -- Spoiled food -- Sugar substitutes -- Herbal tea -- Chemicals in foods -- Something's cooking -- Pick and choose organic -- Eating safe for two.
pt. 2. Nine months & counting : from conception to delivery -- 6. The first month : approximately 1 to 4 weeks -- Your baby this month -- Making the pregnancy connection -- Pregnancy timetable -- What you may be feeling -- Symptoms? Starting soon -- A look inside -- What you can expect at your first prenatal visit -- The wholly healthy pregnancy -- What you may be wondering about -- Breaking the news -- For the other pregnant half -- Vitamin supplements -- Fatigue -- Morning sickness -- Your nose knows -- Excess saliva -- Metallic taste -- Frequent urination -- Breast changes -- Lower abdominal pressure -- Spotting -- When to call your practitioner -- No worries -- HCG levels -- Stress -- Relaxation made easy -- Expect the best -- All about : your pampered pregnancy -- Your hair -- Your face -- Your teeth -- Your body -- A day at the spa -- Your hands and feet -- Making up for pregnancy -- 7. The second month : approximately 5 to 8 weeks -- Your baby this month -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Heartburn and indigestion -- Bringing up reflux -- Heartburn today, hair tomorrow? -- Food aversions and cravings -- Visible veins -- Spider veins -- Varicose veins -- An achy, swollen pelvis -- Breakouts -- Dry skin -- Eczema -- Belly piercings -- Come and go belly -- Losing your shape -- Measuring small -- Measuring big -- Difficulty urinating -- Mood swings -- Depression -- Panic attacks -- All about : weight gain during pregnancy -- How much should you gain? -- At what rate should you gain? -- Why more (or less) weight gain isn't more -- Breakdown of our weight gain -- Weight gain red flags.
8. The third month : approximately 9 to 13 weeks -- Your baby this month -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Constipation -- Another reason for being tired, moody, and constipated -- Lack of constipation -- Diarrhea -- Gas -- Headaches -- What's a corpus luteum cyst? -- Stretch marks -- Body art for two? -- First-trimester weight gain -- Boys will be boys -- Showing early -- Carrying multiples? -- Baby's heartbeat -- At-home dopplers -- The heart of the matter -- Sexual desire -- Cramp after orgasm -- All about : pregnant on the job -- When to tell the boss -- The pregnant worker's rights -- Making the announcement -- The juggling act -- Staying comfortable on the job -- Carpal tunnel syndrome -- Staying safe on the job -- Quiet, please -- Getting all the facts -- Staying on the job -- Changing jobs -- Unfair treatment at work -- 9. The fourth month : approximately 14 to 17 weeks -- Your baby this month -- More baby -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Dental problems -- A gum alert -- Pearly white wisdom -- Breathlessness -- Expecting x-rays? -- Nasal stuffiness and nosebleeds -- Snoring -- Snooze or lose? -- Allergies -- No peanuts for your little peanut? -- Vaginal discharge -- Elevated blood pressure -- Sugar in the urine -- Get your flu shots -- Anemia -- Symptoms of anemia -- Fetal movement -- Body image -- A pregnant pose -- Maternity clothes -- Looking slim when you're bulking up -- Pre-baby jitters -- Unwanted advice -- Unwanted belly touching -- Forgetfulness -- All about : exercise during pregnancy -- The benefits of exercise -- Working in workouts -- Can you Kegel? -- Exercise smarts -- Exercising the right way when you're expecting -- Thirty minutes plus? -- Shoulder and leg stretches -- Dromedary droop -- Neck relaxer -- Choosing the right pregnancy exercise -- Pelvic tilt -- Biceps curl -- Leg lifts -- Tailor stretch -- Hip flexors -- Squats -- Waist twists -- Exercise in bed -- If you don't exercise -- Chest stretches.
10. The fifth month : approximately 18 to 22 weeks -- Your baby this month -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Heating up -- Dizziness -- When too much is too much -- Backache -- Abdominal aches -- The new skin you're in -- Foot growth -- Fast-growing hair and nails -- Vision -- Fetal movement patterns -- Second-trimester ultrasound -- A picture that lasts a lifetime -- Baby's first mall portrait -- Placenta position -- Sleeping position -- Carrying baby, fifth month -- Class womb? -- Carrying older children -- Approaching parenthood -- Wearing a seat belt -- Travel -- Jettisoning jet lag -- Pregnant at a high altitude -- Pregnant women are delicious -- All about : sex and the pregnant woman -- Sex through the trimesters -- What's turning you on (or off)? -- The ins and outs of sex during pregnancy -- Sexercise -- When sex may be limited -- Getting comfortable -- Enjoying it more, even if you're doing it less -- 11. The sixth month : approximately 23 to 27 weeks -- Your baby this month -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Trouble sleeping -- Save time (in a capsule) -- Protruding navel -- Baby kicking -- Itchy belly -- Clumsiness -- Numbness in the hands -- Leg cramps -- Stretching away leg cramps -- When something just doesn't feel right -- Hemorrhoids -- Breast lump -- Childbirth pain -- Bleeding in mid- or late pregnancy -- Diagnosing preeclampsia -- Labor inhibitions -- Calling the labor shots -- Hospital tours -- All about : childbirth education -- Benefits of taking a childbirth class -- Choosing a childbirth class -- Back to school -- For information on pregnancy/childbirth classes -- Childbirth education options -- Classes for second timers.
12. The seventh month : approximately 28 to 31 weeks -- Your baby this month -- Baby brain food -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Fatigue revisited -- Swelling -- Take them off, while you can -- Strange skin bumps -- Lower back and leg (sciatica) -- Restless leg syndrome -- Count your kicks -- Fetal hiccups -- Accidental falls -- Orgasm and baby's kicking -- Dreams and fantasies -- Preparing Fido and Whiskers -- Handling it all -- A birth plan -- Some cookies with that birth plan? -- Your main squeeze -- Don't hold it in -- Lifesaving screenings for newborns -- Glucose screening test -- Doulas : best medicine for labor? -- A low-birthweight baby -- Signs of preterm labor -- All about : easing labor pain -- Managing your pain with medications -- Pushing without the pain -- Managing your pain with CAM -- Just breathe -- Making the decision -- 13. The eighth month : approximately 32 to 35 weeks -- Your baby this month -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Braxton Hicks contractions -- Not-so-funny rib tickling -- Shortness of breath -- Choosing a pediatrician -- Lack of bladder control -- How you're carrying -- Carrying baby, eighth month -- Your size and your delivery -- Your weight gain and the baby's size -- Baby's position -- Breech baby -- Turn, baby, turn -- Face forward -- How does your baby lie? -- Other unusual presentations -- Cesarean delivery -- Be in the know -- Elective Cesareans -- Scheduled classes for scheduled C's -- Repeat Cesareans -- Vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) -- Group B strep -- Eat up -- Taking baths now -- Traveling now -- Making love now -- Your twosome -- Considering cord blood banking -- All about : breastfeeding -- Why breast is best -- Prepping for breastfeeding -- The breast : sexual or practical? -- Why some opt for the bottle -- Making the choice to breastfeed -- Nursing after breast surgery -- Got pierced? -- Mixing breast and bottle -- When you can't or shouldn't breastfeed -- When father knows breast.
14. The ninth month : approximately 36 to 40 weeks -- Your baby this month -- What you may be feeling -- A look inside -- What you can expect at this month's checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Urinary frequency--again -- Leaky breasts -- Spotting now -- Water breaking in public -- Baby's crying already? -- Baby dropping -- Changes in baby's movements -- Going down? -- Nesting instinct -- Getting ready -- How is baby doing? -- When you will deliver -- Do-it-yourself labor induction? -- The overdue baby -- Massage it, Mama -- Inviting others to the birth -- Foods to bring it on? -- Sounds like a plan -- Another long labor? -- Mothering -- What to take to the hospital or birthing center -- Fill 'er up -- All about : prelabor, false labor, real labor -- Prelabor symptoms -- False labor symptoms -- Real labor symptoms -- When to call the practitioner -- Ready or not -- 15. Labor and delivery -- What you may be wondering about -- Mucous plug -- Bloody show -- Your water breaking -- Darkened amniotic fluid -- Low amniotic fluid during labor -- Irregular contractions -- Calling your practitioner during labor -- Not getting to the hospital in time -- Emergency delivery if you're alone -- Having a short labor -- Back labor -- Labor induction -- Eating and drinking during labor -- Emergency delivery : tips for the coach -- Routine IV -- Fetal monitoring -- Artificial rupture of membranes -- An episiotomy -- Forceps -- Vacuum extraction -- Vacuum extractor -- Labor positions -- Being stretched by childbirth -- Apgar score -- The sight of blood -- All about : childbirth -- Stages and phases of childbirth -- Stage one : labor -- Phase 1 : early labor -- For the record -- Call your practitioner if ... -- Phase 2 : active labor -- On to the hospital or birthing center -- Are things slowing down? -- Don't hyperventilate -- Phase 3 : transitional labor -- Stage two : pushing and delivery -- A baby is born -- A first look at baby -- Stage three : delivery of the placenta -- Cesarean delivery.
pt. 3. Twins, triplets & more : when you're expecting multiples -- 16. Expecting more than one -- What you may be wondering about -- Seeing double--everywhere? -- Detecting a multiple pregnancy -- Fraternal or identical? -- Choosing a practitioner -- Pregnancy symptoms -- Eating well with multiples -- Weight gain -- What to gain when you're gaining for two or more -- Multiple time line -- Exercise -- Mixed feelings -- Insensitive comments -- Multiple connections -- Safety in numbers -- Multiple benefits -- Bed rest -- Vanishing twin syndrome -- All about : multiple childbirth -- Laboring with twins or more -- Twin timing -- Position, position, position -- Delivering twins -- Recovering from a multiple delivery -- Breastfeeding for two is good for Mom, two -- Delivering triplets.
pt. 4. After the baby is born -- 17. Postpartum : the first week -- What you may be feeling -- What you may be wondering about -- Bleeding -- Afterpains -- Perineal pain -- When to call your practitioner postpartum -- Delivery bruises -- Difficulty urinating -- That first bowel movement -- Excessive sweating -- Fever -- Engorged breasts -- Engorgement if you're not breastfeeding -- Where's the breast milk? -- Should I stay of should I go now? -- Bonding -- Rooming-in -- Recovery from a Cesarean delivery -- Coming home with baby -- All about : getting started breastfeeding -- Nursing and the NICU baby -- Breastfeeding basics -- Keeping track -- Engorgement : when the milk comes in -- Next stop : easy street -- The breastfeeding diet -- Leaking milk -- Medication and lactation -- Sore nipples -- When breastfeeding gets bumpy -- Breastfeeding after a Cesarean delivery -- Breastfeeding multiples -- Bottle baby -- Tandem nursing -- Give it time -- 18. Postpartum : the first 6 weeks -- What you may be feeling -- What you can expect at your postpartum checkup -- What you may be wondering about -- Exhaustion -- Hair loss -- Postpartum urinary incontinence -- Fecal incontinence -- Help for leaks that won't let up -- Postpartum backache -- Baby blues -- Postpartum depression -- Getting help for postpartum depression -- Thyroiditis got you down? -- Losing weight postpartum -- Long-term C-section recovery -- Resuming sex -- Craving more? -- Becoming pregnant again -- All about : getting back into shape -- Basic position -- Pelvic tilt -- Leg slides -- Head/shoulder lift -- Workout rules for the first six weeks -- Phase 1 : twenty-four hours after delivery -- Phase 2 : three days after delivery -- Close the gap -- Phase 3 : after your postpartum checkup -- Milk it.
pt. 5. For dads -- 19. Fathers are expectant, too -- What you may be wondering about -- Get ready, get set ... then go -- Dealing with her symptoms -- A partner in parenting by any name -- Sympathy symptoms -- Feeling left out -- Resources for dads -- Sex -- Expectant sex explained -- Pregnancy dreams -- It's your hormones (really) -- Surviving her mood swings -- Your pregnancy mood swings -- Labor and delivery worries -- Anxiety over life changes -- Being there -- Fathering fears -- Breastfeeding -- Your baby blues -- Bonding -- Keep an eye on her mood -- Feeling unsexy after delivery -- Postpartum sex?
pt. 6. Staying healthy when you're expecting -- 20. If you get sick -- What you may be wondering about -- The common cold -- Is if the flu or a cold? -- Sinusitis -- Flu season -- Flu shot for two -- Fever -- Strep throat -- Urinary tract infection -- Yeast infection -- Bacterial vaginosis -- Stomach bugs -- Listeriosis -- Toxoplasmosis -- Cytomegalovirus -- Fifth disease -- Measles -- Mumps -- Staying well -- Rubella -- Chicken pox (Varicella) -- Lyme disease -- Hepatitis A -- Hepatitis B -- Hepatitis C -- Bell's palsy -- All about : medications during pregnancy -- Common medications -- Keeping current -- If you need medication during pregnancy -- Herbal cures -- 21. If you have a chronic condition -- What you may be wondering about -- Asthma -- Cancer in pregnancy -- Cystic fibrosis -- Depression -- Diabetes -- Epilepsy -- Helping others with epilepsy -- Fibromyalgia -- Making the most of your meds -- Chronic fatigue syndrome -- Hypertension -- Irritable bowel syndrome -- Lupus -- Multiple sclerosis -- Phenylketonuria -- Physical disability -- Rheumatoid arthritis -- Scoliosis -- Sickle cell anemia -- Thyroid disease -- All about : getting the support you need.
pt. 7. The complicated pregnancy -- 22. Managing a complicated pregnancy -- Pregnancy complications -- Early miscarriage -- Types of miscarriage -- You'll want to know ... -- If you've had a miscarriage -- Management of a miscarriage -- Late miscarriage -- Repeat miscarriages -- Ectopic pregnancy -- You'll want to know ... -- Subchorionic bleed -- You'll want to know ... -- Hyperemesis gravidarum -- You'll want to know ... -- Gestational diabetes -- You'll want to know ... -- Preeclampsia -- The reasons behind preeclampsia -- You'll want to know ... -- HELLP syndrome -- Intrauterine growth restriction -- You'll want to know ... -- Placenta previa -- You'll want to know ... -- Placental abruption -- Chorioamnionitis -- You'll want to know ... -- Oligohydramnios -- Hydromnios -- Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) -- You'll want to know ... -- Preterm or premature labor -- You'll want to know ... -- Predicting preterm labor -- Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) -- Cord knots and tangles -- Two-vessel cord -- Uncommon pregnancy complications -- Molar pregnancy -- You'll want to know ... -- Choriocarcinoma -- You'll want to know ... -- Eclampsia -- You'll want to know ... -- Cholestasis -- Deep venous thrombosis -- Placenta accreta -- Vasa previa -- Childbirth and postpartum complications -- Fetal distress -- Cord prolapse -- Shoulder dystocia -- Serious perineal tears -- Uterine rupture -- Uterine inversion -- Postpartum hemorrhage -- Postpartum infection -- All about : if you're put on bed rest -- Types of bed rest -- Moms helping moms -- 23. Coping with pregnancy loss -- Miscarriage -- A personal process -- Coping with repeat miscarriages -- Loss in the uterus -- Loss during or after birth -- Postpartum depression and pregnancy loss -- Lactation suppression when a baby dies -- Loss of one twin -- Why? -- Pregnancy reduction -- Stages of grief --Trying again -- Index.